
In addition to the reunion show, it was 45 years ago this month that “Monday Mona Lisa Club”, my second all time favorite Pink Lady song was released. When this sound, their 15th single came out in September 1979, I was back in the States, having left Japan nine months earlier, so I didn’t learn about songs Mie and Kei had done until I had gotten ahold of a compilation CD in 1996. The first time I heard MMLC, I was absolutely floored from this thumping, Disco themed scorcher and I was immediately sold on just how awesome it was. Sure, while Disco was on its last legs as a genre at the time, MMLC still delivered the goods, and the girls brought us a masterpiece. Click here to find three live versions Mie and Kei did on this song, and you’ll love it too! Until next month, take care and have a great day!

Your Friend,


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Welcome to September! Sadly, summer is over, though I’m not broken up about it because the season had been brutally hot and humid, it should be noted that there’s good stuff about the ninth month of the calendar year, gradually cooling temperatures, the dawn of a new NFL season, and the birthday of a certain Japanese pop star were all familiar with.

Here at the website, it’s a rather busy month. Besides Kei-chan celebrating her 67th birthday, it was forty years ago this month that she and Mie returned to the Japanese pop music scene with what would turn out to be the very first Pink Lady reunion. When the girls called it quits three years earlier, I think it’s safe to say no one figured on them getting back together, like I mentioned here last month, the girls had launched successful solo careers, both as singers and actresses, headlining their own motion pictures (Mie with “Call Girl”, Kei with “The Dog Judges Her Love”), so, their return must’ve made for quite the surprise. Or had it? Prior to that reunion show on September 2nd, the Ladies had released “Suspense: Pink Lady Again”, I’ve already mentioned how that had been perhaps their finest studio work, perhaps that had been the appetizer for the reunion show. Of course, I didn’t learn about it until the very early 00’s after I launched the website, so, when I fellow fan sent me a VHS copy of the show, I was blown away with what I had watched as Mie and Kei covered all of their chart topping hits for their fans in the arena, and even added a couple of songs from “Suspense” which I found to have been seriously cool. For anyone new here, you see for yourself in Pink Reunion. It’s a fun event that is certainly worth taking in, and more.